Our Internet Banking service is fast, free and convenient and allows you to enjoy the following benefits:
Access to your account balances anytime – Internet Banking gives you access to your account information 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Account Statements Online – Sign up for e-Statements and receive your statement online as soon as they are processed. Waiting for your statement to arrive in the mail is a thing of the past.
Create account transfers online – Internet Banking allows you to create account transfers without stepping into the bank. Setting up a transfer is easy….just select your accounts and enter the amount to transfer.
Set up Account Balance Alerts – Our Internet Banking service gives you the opportunity to set up balance alerts. You set the threshold and the bank will send you an email if your balance falls below the threshold amount.
If you would like to sign up for our Personal Internet Banking Service please click here.
If you would like to sign up for our Commercial Internet Banking Service please give us a call at 507-373-1481